Jazz Piano Vocabulary, Volume 2: The Dorian Mode by Roberta Piket
Jazz Piano Vocabulary, Volume 2: The Dorian Mode by Roberta Piket PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The amount of theoretical knowledge required to become a fluent improvisor on the piano can be overwhelming to the aspiring jazz pianist. Jazz Piano Vocabulary is a series of books designed to help students of jazz piano learn and apply jazz scales by mastering each scale and its uses in improvisation.Each book focuses on a different scale, and features: the scale in all twelve keys - two octaves up and down with complete fingerings chords and left hand voicings to match motivic sequences and melodic ideas (with right hand fingerings) study piece (with right hand fingerings) ideas for further study and listening detailed instructions and suggestions on how to practice the material opportunity to contact the author online if questions arise
Sound samples and additional information are made available to the reader on the publisher's website.
This book is based on Roberta Piket's twenty-plus years of educational experience. In addition to her private students and her experience coaching jazz ensembles at Long Island University, Roberta has given clinics or masterclasses at the Eastman school of Music, Rutgers University, Macalester College, Duke University, The Jazz School, and countless middle and high schools throughout the U.S., Europe and Japan.
An unusual feature of this book is the author's availability to answer questions on the material at the Muse Eek Publishing website, creating an interactive learning experience for the student.
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