Wednesday 23 December 2015

PDF⋙ Reinventing Mona by Jennifer Coburn

Reinventing Mona by Jennifer Coburn

Reinventing Mona

Reinventing Mona by Jennifer Coburn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

What's new? Me, for starters... It all began when my job offered me a buyout package. That's when the realization hit: I'm young, I'm rich (thanks to a hefty inheritance), and I'm boring. Things are gonna change-starting now... Building a better man trap... First things first: Exercise. Carrot juice. Straight hair. Whiter teeth. Clothes that fit. But wait-there's more. I'm finally ready to take a chance on love with the perfect guy. He's handsome. He's smart. He's reliable. He's my CPA. Problem is, I'm clueless about winning him over. It's time to call in an expert. It's time to call in The Dog. Down, boy. Mike "The Dog" Dougherty is a man's man. A guy's guy. Okay, he's a chauvinist pig, and his sty is "The Dog House," a testosterone-charged column in Maximum for Him magazine. On one hand, I abhor all he stands for. On the other hand, who better to coach me? So here I am. Learning the complex unspoken language of the American male (Talk, bad. Sex, good.); trying exciting new things (Stripping lessons are empowering. Really.); falling for Mike. Uh oh. But the Mike I'm getting to know is different from The Dog. And the Mona I'm becoming isn't quite who I expected, either. This whole makeover scheme is getting crazier by the minute. But "crazy" beats "boring"...right? Visit us at

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